Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fun without an ear infection

I have had an ear infection for a week and can't dunk my head in I am forced to watch my brother do this:


  1. Dear Sarah,
    We hope that your earache gets better very soon.
    You can try the earache chant while seated in the lotus position.
    "Earache, earache,
    You are nothing but a fake
    Your pain I will not take.'
    20 repetitions should do it.
    If not, I'd try ear drops.
    I love your blog. That is sooo cool.
    Love, Grandpa Arnie

  2. Hi Sarah, I'm delighted that earache chant worked!
    What with a snowstorm fast approaching I tried to find a chant to get us to Bali. Apparently the only chant that works is "I'd like to book two tickets to Bali please". It only works if you are chanting to an airline reservation agent!! Oh well.
    Looking forward to more pictures and adventures.
    Love Grandpa Arnie. Grandma Sus says, "Love you, and Benny and Mom Karen, and the ducks, and your menu too"
